Manufacturer: Wilding & Porter

Click on the model to view all given serial numbers and info. To enter a new serial number click on "Add".
Our Jukebox-Archive may also be helpful to identify your model.

* Note: The shown difference does not automatically mean the production outcome, but only the balance between so far given lowest and highest serial number. Sometimes they overlap if a model was produced in different versions.

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jukebox, wallbox or other accessories


Serial number
entered so far

Difference *


Musicola M12/10 (0) 1949 n/a - n/a n/a Add
Musicola M12/10B (1) 1951 217 - 217 1 Add
Musicola M12/10C (4) 1954 313 - 473 161 Add
Musicola E40/10 (3) 1956 1015 - 1028 14 Add
Musicola F100 (1) 1959? 27 - 27 1 Add
Musicola Mark II V100 (1) 1959? 03 - 03 1 Add

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Note: counter serial numbers => ( )

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Statistical Evaluation